Thursday, December 02, 2004

No Title

I really don't know what's wrong with me. I have no motivation whatsoever to do any of my school work. I only have a week left before finals and I don't know how I'm going to make it.
I got just a little drunk last night. I feel bad but I pretty much thought in the back of my mind that I wanted to. I don't think it was an accident. I know that next time I drink I will definitely be more careful. I was at a bowling alley with some people from school. I think I can ask them to keep me accountable. I don't have a problem with drinking occassionally and moderately but I don't like drinking enough that I get drunk and can't walk straight. I don't like it at all.
I keep thinking about someone. That's why I started going bowling because the guy I am interested in goes. And thanks to him I'm starting to acquire a taste for beer (or maybe it's the fact they're only $1). He's really nice and funny. And then there are all the little features about him that I notice. Like his smile, his eyes, his nose, his hands, and even his feet. I saw him barefoot today and found out that he has nice feet. I like feet. So I'm glad they aren't ugly.
I really want to just get to know him. I don't want to be all flirty and annoying, I just want to talk to him and take it slow. I keep telling myself that if I get to know him and he gets to know me and he's not interested then it's ok, it's his loss. ;-)
I may not be all girly around him but whoa! when I get around my friends I'm like "oh. . .I really want to get to know him" and "I really like his hands and feet and his smile, etc." Total girl! oh well.
So we'll see. It looks like him, one of my roommates, and I are going to ride home for Christmas. I'm excited. That will give me the chance to talk to him more. :)
ok that's it.
I really should do my homework. I have a paper that was due on Monday that I still haven't finished. And I didn't go to class today or yesterday. I just want this semester to be over!

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