Wednesday, December 08, 2004


If you're offended by the title of this post then you shouldn't be reading it. I feel like shit right now so get over my choice of words. It's the only way to express myself at this point.
And for those of you who don't mind the title, thank you for being understanding and sympathic and not a pharisee.
So yeah I feel like shit right now. The last week has been super super super super crappy. I have no motivation to do anything and I am way far behind in my classes. I haven't gone to class in a week. I'll be lucky if I make it tomorrow. I have a shitload of homework to finish and I just can't make my do it. I am just so frustrated with everything right now.
I'm frustrated with my parents, school, people in general, my stupid job, and just everything!
I haven't been this depressed in awhile. I really don't know what's wrong with me.
The only thing I'm looking forward to my ride home for Christmas. But even then, I just keep thinking it'll end up sucking.
I know I'll be ok and won't do anything too stupid but I'm ready for this funk to be over.
Ok that's about it about the shit. If you know me well enough you already know the details. And to those, thanks for being there for me.

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