Wednesday, August 24, 2005

good old pat robertson

If you read my "100 things" list then you saw that one of them says that I hate how people like Pat Robertson give the rest of us Christians a bad name.

Case in point:

Pat Robertson said that we should go ahead and assassinate the president of Venezuela since he thinks we're trying to anyway. Of course he since has made a public apology ( but the damage has been done. I have a really problem with that man and the liberties he takes.
Now I will be honest part of me wants to send him a hot-headed e-mail calling him, in the words of Spike in the movie "Notting Hill," a daft prick but the other part of me just wants to pray that God will make him more aware of what he is saying and doing.

This semester I'm taking a general education course that they make all seniors take, Integrative Seminar. The theme of my class is "The Faces of Jesus." The first day we looked at different pictures of how Jesus is portrayed in America including "mocks" of Jesus like in the movie Dogma, the Buddy Christ. And we were asked "do images like this of Jesus result because people want to make fun of Jesus?" Some people said yes. The way people view Jesus is often skewed because of images like the buddy Christ. But then someone said, it's not because of that. They view Jesus in this way because of their interactions with Christians. The professor (and me in my head) was like "EXACTLY!"
Now I'm sure I've done my part in discouraging someone to be a Christian. I still struggle with what I believe. The other day I was telling my roommate that I see the kind of Christian I want to be and the kind of Christian I don't want to be and I don't know how to get to (or away) from it.

But I will keep trying.


Tracie said...

You make some good points. I agree with you!!

Olgy Gary said...

Keep trying, don't ever give up! I'm soooooo sure Jesus himself wouldn't want to be called a Christian if by that we mean the caricature we've allowed to define what a Christian is. Good blog subjects you're addressing. My daughter is about your age and I sent her the link to your blogs. She goes to college in MA but we live in CO.

On a separate note, could you tell me how you took out the space at the top of your blog template? I'm using the same template and would love to take the extra space that's showing on my blog between the CCF banner I have there and the start of the blogs. If you now how, please send me a note thru the contact us page of the Children Come First site. Thanks!