Tuesday, February 21, 2006

4 Things

Four jobs I've had
1. photographer at a wal-mart portrait studio
2. cashier/cook at my old college student union
3. Sales associate at Dillards
4. various secretarial jobs

Four movies I would watch over and over again
1. Beauty Shop
2. When Harry Met Sally
3. Meet Me In St. Louis
4. Roman Holiday

Four places I've lived
1. several towns with my family in IL
2. college town in IL
3. by myself in IL
4. Colorado

Four TV shows I watch
1. Gilmore Girls
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Sex & the City
4. Everwood

Four places I've vacationed
1. Outer Banks, NC
2. Utah (backpacking)
3. Florida (several times)
4. The south (Virgina, W. Virginia, Georgia, Mississippi, etc)

Four websites I visit daily
1. brennan manning's website
2. people.com (i'm a sucker for the photos)
3. msn.com
4. several blogs!

Four of my favorite foods
1. Pizza
2. Chipotle
3. Popcorn
4. sesame chicken from Talk of the Thai

Four places I'd like to be right now
1. In the mountains somewhere
2. New York City
3. Las Vegas
4. with close friends somewhere

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