Saturday, April 22, 2006

2 more weeks

In two weeks I will be a college graduate. It only took 5 years (over a 7 year period). I'm so excited to be done! I have been waiting for so long. Originally I had planned on graduating from college 3 years ago. But, even though it so long I think it all worked out the way it needed to. I was able to focus on something I was genuinely interested in, even though now I'm leaning towards not going to medical school. If I had stayed in school to begin with I don't think I would've even thought about it! And I would never have come to Colorado. (well maybe not never, but you know)

I'm really ready to be done with my degree. It feels so good! Now I will work for a few years to fix my money situation, then after that it will be grad school (I hope). It kinda sucks that I can't go right away, but I think it will all work out well.

This summer, I plan on playing tennis (if I find someone to play with), going hiking, climbing a 14er (mountain over 14,000 feet), and. . .I don't know what else. Those are the three things on the top of the list. Oh! And I'm going to IL at the end of May (that's the greatest road trip ever), and I'm going to go to at least one baseball game, preferrably when the Cardinals come to town!

I'm looking forward to it. It's going to be great to be done with school and just be able to relax and enjoy the sunny, warm weather. And get out and do some fun stuff. :)


Val said...


The greatest road trip ever ended in North Carolina my friend.



MacGirl said...

Oops. I stand corrected. At least until I actually go on the roadtrip ;)