Monday, March 05, 2007

Keeping it Holy

Yesterday was my Sabbath. Ok some of you may be thinking well, duh, yesterday was Sunday but really, I'm serious, it was my Sabbath.
I worked all week and weekend. I had to work yesterday but before work I was able to relax and even though I had to complete some mundane tasks such as laundry, it was my Sabbath.
After Friday and Saturday I was exhausted. We had a huge group check into the hotel on Friday and I ended up being there until 12:30 am, then worked at the cable company on Saturday, then the hotel until around 11:30 pm. I had already decided that I wouldn't set my alarm but if I woke up in time I'd go to church. I did wake up in time but as I laid in bed thinking about how I needed to do laundry and go to the grocery store and still make it to work by 3, I got the sense that it would actually be more beneficial for me not to go to church. And I really think it was. I drank some coffee, got onto my computer (I could actually get online!). Then I just took my time and "rested" while I did my laundry, went to the store, got my mail. . .it was a BEAUTIFUL day here. I walked to the laundry room and I was just so. . .content. And relaxed. It was a day that I didn't mind that I was in Kansas. I just enjoyed the day. It was just wonderful. God allowed me to relax and rejuvenate and keep the Sabbath holy. Even though I didn't go to church, I worshipped, even while doing my laundry and the little tasks that would've been stressing me out all week because they wouldn't have gotten done for a few more days. I even worshipped while getting ready for work. I turned on some Jars and just enjoyed the time I had to myself. Nothing to worry about, just taking my time. It was great.

I have thought a lot about the Sabbath. At one point, Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for the man, not man for the Sabbath. God wanted a day where we could relax and worship Him. He knew that life can get so busy we forget to stop and breathe. He knew we needed a day to rest. Sometimes our circumstances don't allow that day of rest to be on Sunday. I learned that just because of my dad; his day to work was on Sunday. The pastor of where I go to church takes Friday as his Sabbath. While in college, I learned real quick to not even think that I wasn't going to not do homework on Sunday. At CCU, Friday ended up being my day to rest and not do anything. And now I feel like when I have a chance to rest, I take it, enjoy it, and it just is so wonderful, no matter what day it is. This week won't be as busy. I have a couple of nights off. Hopefully I'll catch up on some sleep and stuff I need to get done, including buying new shoes. My feet hurt so bad.

I love being able to worship in un-traditional ways. I love when I feel like God is saying "don't worry if you're not worshipping at a church service, do what you need to do." I felt like God gave me from 10 am until 3 pm as a gift (and even the rest of the day because it wasn't that busy at the hotel so I wasn't stressed there) and I accepted it and thanked him over and over for it.

OH! And I got a head start on Easter candy. I went to Target and passed by the candy aisle and my eyes lit up as I realized that it was the time of year for my Sweettarts Chicks, Ducks, and Bunnies. And then I laughed to myself as I remembered how a few years ago and I slipped up and said Chucks, Dicks, and Bunnies. Hehehehehe. I'm sure if anyone saw me in the candy aisle they would've thought I was insane or something.

Thanks to that time yesterday I feel like I can actually make through this week. Last week I felt like I was going to fall over.

And today is another beautiful day.


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