Monday, July 25, 2005

Well nothing much has been happening around here. I've just been working. I got a new roommate. She's cool.

Um. . .yeah. It's raining here this evening and it rained yesterday too. It was wonderful. It cools the temperature so much. It's been really hot here. We have all our windows open and it's so relaxing to hear the rain.

This week I hated that I was in Colorado instead of Illinois: my best friend's mom died. I hated that I couldn't go to her funeral. But her husband was there (he's been gone because he's in the navy) so that was good. I haven't talked to her yet but I think things are going ok. I can't imagine losing one of my parents right now.

I keep going in and out between feeling happy with my life and then sometimes I feel....crappy as always. I am trying not to be but sometimes it's hard. I can't help but feel like my life is just really blah. I'm almost 25 and I'm still trying to get my undergraduate degree. But at the same time I'm glad I'm going after something I really want to (medicine) and that my path led me to Colorado. Even though i don't like my school all that much really I like my professors and that makes it a lot better.
I'm trying to be optimistic that things will get better and I will feel better about things that are going on but sometimes it's hard.

One thing that I have been thinking about a lot though is that fact that I really need to lose some weight. My clothes are getting to the point where they aren't fitting too well and I can't buy new ones (and I don't want to buy larger sizes either!). I really need to do something. But it's so hard. I'm not happy the way I am now. I do want to take better care of myself. It's hard though. I like junk food a LOT and I don't like normal exercise. Oh well maybe something will work out. Like me! Ha!!!!


Tracie said...

My clothes are getting tight too!

Tracie said...
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