Monday, April 11, 2005

quick post

Everyone keeps saying that Sunday was the best day for it to snow. Hah! Stupid people. :)

We took down the set today. So we get to carry it from the music building to the art building. woohoo! (definitely being sarcastic here)

I keep thinking about God. I don't know where I stand with Him lately.
I have to find a job, I really don't want to. To be perfectly honest, I hate working. I've never had a job that I've liked.
School will be over soon. It's been hard to concentrate lately. I really wonder what I'm doing. What was I thinking when I thought I wanted to be a doctor? I will graduate next year. I don't know if there's any point to taking physics and organic chemistry especially because I don't need them for my degree and I must be crazy to think I'll be able to get into medical school.

You know what I really want. I want to feel at least a little content with my life. I want to feel like I have some sort of purpose. I want to like myself. I want to . . . feel like I belong somewhere. And I know that this is a typical girl thing but I really want to meet someone. I keep seeing all these married people that are so awesome I want to be one of them! I know it will probably happen sometime but. . .why can't it happen soon? ok that's my girliness for today.

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