Thursday, April 07, 2005

A rush!

Ok so it's been awhile since I've posted. If I would've during the last month you probably would've heard all about how my life sucks and how I can't wait until this semester is over. As far as school is concerned it's been tough. I just feel like I can't get things done. And I have to find a job real soon.
BUT, tonight! Tonight was opening night of the play! It was SOOO much FUN! It went really really well. Acting and being up there on stage just gives me such a rush! My character is a mean-spirited Senator who is trying to figure out where her stepmother put $10 million dollars. It's fun. :)
I am soo thankful that I got to be a part of this. I've always wanted to be in a play and I'm so glad i got the chance. Before every practice and rehearsal (and now, performance) we pray as a cast. Tonight the only thing I could say was "thank you." For so long I feel like God says no to everything I like or enjoy. I guess that's not exactly a great way to view God and how he treats me but I feel like being in this play was his way of saying yes about something.
I got celebrate or pass out or something! (that's from Coyote Ugly, hehehe)

So right now the play thing is something that is just absolutely wonderful in my life. Maybe I'll go into the other stuff another time.

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