Wednesday, August 09, 2006

A little tidbit of news

So I wonder what would be cheaper. Getting internet at my apartment or continuing to come to Panera. . .it's free but I always get something to eat or drink...hmmmm.....

The place I went to for an interview called me back to set up a time for me to take some tests. I have to test for Word, Excel, and typing. And some personality test or something. Yikes! That could be scary! HA!

I hope I can do well. This job would be a lot better than what I'm doing now. Working at the hotel isn't that bad really; I kinda like it, I just need to earn more money. And it would be nice to have a more normal schedule. I went in at 3 pm yesterday and was supposed to leave at 11 but didn't leave until after midnight. At least I got to take a dinner break. I've only been able to do that a couple of times. I never count on getting a lunch break or leaving when I'm supposed to. In fact I'm shocked when it happens.

I am (slowly) settling into life here. The other day I realized I was having the wrong attitude. I was telling myself that my life was on hold until I got more settled here. But I can't think like that. I mean, this is my life. It's happening. I can't have the attitude that I'll start living when I feel more at home. I had that attitude for so many years and I missed out on too much.

It's hard though.. ..I mean there are only so many times you can go shopping by yourself without buying something (and that's something I have to stay away from). And I don't have cable or internet so I've been watching Grey's Anatomy and Gilmore Girls on DVD. Except I only have one season of each of those so I'm getting through them pretty quick. I have to figure out more ways to occupy my time. Oh well I'll get there eventually.

I'll write about the job when I find out something. If I don't get it I'll just keep looking. If I stay at the hotel I'd have to get a second job. If I get this other job I may see if I could stay at the hotel just PT and work a few evenings or something.Who knows.

Ok bye!

1 comment:

Val said...

You could always take up knitting! ;)