Sunday, June 29, 2008


I've always had dreams. Some stick with me for years. Once I had a dream with the song, "The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" that made me SO scared (it involved a family member pointing a gun at me) that I could not listen to that song for years.

Lately I just wake up and think "what the. . .?" I just seem to have such weird dreams and I just don't get them.

Last night I was dreaming of looking at different pictures and paintings and they weren't anything I ever remember seeing before but the detail and color was so vivid it's like somehow I had seen them.

Then there was one that I was back in the 70s or 80s. I don't remember exactly but I was me at the age I am now and walking around in a store with cheap prices, old electronics, and old clothes. Weird. . . except that's not even the craziest one I've had.

There were a few other weird ones but I don't remember them. But I definitely woke up this morning thinking, "what the. . .?"

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