Tuesday, July 18, 2006


I'm stressed. I admit it. I'm also depressed. Especially yesterday. I slept until about 11 am, didn't do anything, except clean up my apartment (which is still not even close to being unpacked) and watch episodes from the first season of Grey's Anatomy (Totally off the subject, I can't WAIT until the 2nd season comes out). I'm feeling better today. I'm just stressed because I haven't found a job yet and I still feel so unsettled.
I told Dave I need to explore Wichita sometime. All I know is how to get from my apartment to his house, to his office, and to church. That's about it.
And I just need to find a job (or two) so I can quit stressing about money and actually buy some groceries sometime. And gas. I'm almost out.

I'm feeling better today but yesterday I was on the verge of crying most of the day. It's very frustrating going back to feeling so depressed when I had been doing so well the last few months. And not knowing how anyone can help make me feel better because no one has ever really attempted to make me feel better.

Anyway like I said I really am feeling better today. I really need a job...I'll keep looking and try not to worry.

I really want to be able to go to Starbucks and Chipotle. Especially Chipotle. Chipotle is good. I need rice and beans and guacamole.

1 comment:

gingrpchy said...

If we were closer we'd unpack your apartment and take you out for Chipotle's. We're thinking of you.