Monday, July 10, 2006


Unfortunately I don't have regular internet access. The only way I can get online is at Dave's office so when I can make it there I can actually check e-mail and stuff.
I got moved into my apartment Thursday evening. We drove to Denver and back on Wednesday/Thursday. I ended up crying a little when we left. I'm not sure why. A lot of things in Colorado ended up being different than I thought they'd be. I think I wanted it to be home but it was obvious it wasn't. I never felt completely normal there. I have only made a small dent in unpacking which is not surprising for me. I still need to find a job. The girlfriend of one of Dave's friends is the assistant manager at a hotel and she said they need people there so I'm going to go apply. I'm probably going to end up having two jobs. . .which I'm not looking forward to at all, but I don't think I'm going to find one job that will pay me enough.

I'm having fun hanging out with the kids; I took care of them most of the day Saturday. I know it's going to take awhile to feel totally comfortable with them but I like getting to know them. Katie and I got to hang out for a little bit by ourselves; she helped me unpack some of my stuff, then we went to Target. The boys are just boys of course. They love playing Star Wars on playstation and playing with their light sabers.

I've been a little stressed just with the big step of moving, not having a job, and everything being turned around...I think once I get into more of a normal routine I'll calm down a little bit.

I went to Dave's church for the first time yesterday. It wasn't too bad. I liked the sermon. As usual, going to a new church was just plain hard and uncomfortable for me. I had just gotten to the point where I felt comfortable going to my church in Denver but I still wasn't to the point where I wanted to be involved with anything. It just takes me time to be comfortable...especially at a church where I was already apprehensive (it's an AG church) about going. So we'll see.

So that's just a little update on what's going on since the move to Kansas.

1 comment:

Tracie said...

My aunt, uncle and grandefother live in Derby. My cousins live in Wichita. I am SOOO visiting you!