Friday, November 10, 2006

who says you can't go home

That Bon Jovi song gets on my nerves.

So here's the news: I'm going back to Illinois. Not really my first choice but I want to get out of Kansas. It hurts too much being here. I don't like always being reminded of everything. And plus I need to stop being alone and be around people who love and care about me. I don't want to be alone all the time. And I'm not talking about the no-boy alone just the no friends, no family, nothing alone.

I am looking forward to it. I'm going to go back to the apartment in Hartford. Katie is living in the house so if she's ever around I can see her. And my sister will be an hour away, my parents 2 1/2 (close but not too close), Kyle and Sarah are an hour away. I'll have people who I have grow to love and trust and I know will always care about me.

I'm going to move before Thanksgiving. I'll have to make a few trips to get all my stuff; dad is going to work on securing a trailer to haul stuff like furniture. And I have to clean out the apartment; it kinda turned into a storage shed after mom and dad moved the last time. I may have to crash at someone's house for a bit until I can get settled.

Here's to me and my super-quick moving decisions!

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