Friday, November 19, 2004

Crazy week

This has been a crazy week. I was sick most of the time and depressed the rest of it. I didn't go to work and slept all afternoon and then ended up staying up late. Crazy.
I got to hang out with someone a couple of times this week. He flew home to Illinois for Thanksgiving. I think I'm going to ask him about riding home with him for Christmas.
I hate that I don't get to go home for Thanksgiving. I am going to work a couple of days and then go to my roommate's house for Thanksgiving dinner. I also have a ton of homework to do,
I don't know what's wrong with me. I've felt so crappy the last few days.
Then I found out bad news.
Today has sucked. I went to work a little after 9 but no one was there so then I was going to go shopping but then I got a call from someone saying there were people at the office so I felt bad because I hadn't been there all week so I went. I hated it. I only stayed for like 3 hours. Then I came home and watched the rest of Con Air on TV and then Breakfast at Tiffany's. I love that movie. It's depressing and bittersweet.
There are times when I just hate my life. And today is one of them.
Ok sorry for my depressing post.

1 comment:

Val said...

Love you. Sorry if I was the bearer of bad news. I hope things swing to an upward trend for you, ASAP.