Monday, November 08, 2004

He wrote back

He wrote back! I can't believe it! He was sooo sweet about it too. He said thank you, said he was flattered, and it put a smile on his face. I was glad he was nice. I really wish I could've gotten to know him. Maybe next time I actually have a crush on someone, I'll have the guts to at least introduce myself. Yeah right. I still have this fantasy that one day he will come to visit some old friends and find out where I live and stop by, He'll be so smitten that he'll make sure he gets my phone number so he can call me and eventually move back out here and propose to me on a mountain. Hey I can dream can't I?
It's so crazy. . .I have two potential plans for my life. First is being a doctor and if marriage comes along somewhere in there great. The other is just to meet the man of my dreams right now and get married and start a family. Forget the doctor part. But. . .then I sit in anatomy and I am so fascinated I want to know more. I want to know how all the processes of the body work together to make our body function properly. I want to understand why our bodies do what they do and how we can take care of it to make it work better. (definitely have to work on that!) I want to know what can go wrong and figure out what can be done to make it right. It's just so amazing. I feel like knowing about how God created me helps me to understand better who he is and grow closer.
I guess there is still a part of me who would love to be on Broadway in New York or shooting a movie in some exotic locale or singing in front of thousands of people all over the country, but if I can't have that dream, then reaching my goal of being a doctor is just as good.
I think my confidence is going up, Someday some cute guy that I notice is going to notice me back and pursue me. And I'll notice little things about him like the shape of his hands and how his eyes crinkle up when he smiles and he'll love that notice it. He'll love that I get really into old musicals with Gene Kelly and Frank Sinatra and how sometimes I just want to turn up music and dance wildly around my apartment. He'll understand that sometimes I want to go out and have fun and other times just want to stay home and be quiet. :) I'm such a sap. He'll also have to love me coming home talking about all the different medical stuff I learn. And he'll understand why I can't kiss him until we're married (ok maybe engaged) and won't try to make me break that vow.
Oh and God whenever you want to bring this guy along to me, feel free :) Until then I'll just study chemistry. Chemistry? Yeah. . ,chemistry!

1 comment:

Val said...

Pursuing a medical career, and starting a family do not necessarily have to be mutually exclusive. (Sorry... that was so big-wordy). You'll figure it out as you go. And even if you do POST-PONE career stuff to start a family... all of that God-given interest in biology and the human body won't be wasted. I still believe the pattern of our lives... all the twists and turns, all end up working together and building on one another, and that God uses our desires to shape us as much as he uses anything else.

Don't stop dreaming. And YOU will find that man who will delight in all the little facets of how wonderful you are. And I can't wait to see that happen!
