Sunday, May 14, 2006


Today I went to church. I am really glad I went. The sermon was by Monte Swan. . .who goes to the church and who wrote the book "Romancing Your Child's Heart."

What is interesting about Monte is that he is a research geologist. Now even though I am not into geology as much as I am into human biology and organic chemistry (how freakin cool is that I can actually say I'm into organic chemistry, it's absolutely fascinating...i need to take biochem and then I'll really be excited!), I love when scientists talk about their love of God and how they see and experience God through creation. And not just "oh those flowers are pretty" but they experience God through the intricate workings of the petal, the stem, and how they reproduce.

It's not surprising to me that I ended up doing something science related in college. I have always been fascinated with nature. I have always experienced God through his creation. Whether it be dark clouds rolling in bringing rain, thunder and lightning, a lilac bush, an open field with the huge sky overhead, or the night sky scattered with stars, I experience God. One thing that I love about the church I go to is that it is up in the mountains a little ways. When you get off on the exit to go to the church, you come up on an amazing view of Mt. Evans. It's just this gorgeous expanse of towering, magnificent mountains. Everytime I see it I am in awe. I am in wonder. One thing the speaker said this morning was "wonder is a heartbeat away from worship." I'll definitely have to remember that.

Something that was mentioned that is interesting was how western Christians tend to not want to focus on nature because of pantheism...which is defined as "A doctrine identifying the Deity with the universe and its phenomena." So basically people were more likely to worship nature. Nature was the god. But the speaker had something to say to the effect of we can't separate God from his creation. He defined the word Panentheism (notice the en in there). "the paradox of a simultaneously immanent and transcendent God. "Pan" means God is "all" and everywhere within the Creation (immanent) and "en" means He is outside the Creation (completely transcendent) and the Creation is contained "within" Him. Panentheism launches living beyond time and space into the eternal present and forever pierces the thin place of the Divine Presence.

He also quoted Eugene Peterson "Re-enter the world with a second nativete. Look at the world with childlike wonder, ready to be startled into surprised delight by the profuse abundance of truth and beauty and goodness that is spilling out of the skies at every moment. Cultivate a hermeneutics of adoration - see how large, how splendid, how magnificent life is."

That is all gives me so much to think about. How can I fathom that the creator of the universe actually cares about me? How can I fathom that he wants to romance me? That he wants me? And not just the good parts, he wants all of me!

I also think about how it's not just through nature I experience God; it is through his ultimate creation, people. It's a kind of we are God's most beloved creation yet nothing compared to God. We are created in his image, yet we are weak, messed up, and in need of a Savior. And we are so quick to criticize and hate each other. . .hate God's creation and therefore, hate God.
I see this when I observe how parents treat their children. Children should be treated as the most amazing miracle. It only takes reading about the development of an embryo for me to know that God had something amazing in mind when he came up with the idea. And yet, the attitude of children today is that they are not that important, they can't be children (we take away their child-like wonder way too quickly), and they are treated as a commodity instead of a miracle, instead of a blessing.

Today is mother's day. One friend of mine is a mom for the first time but is also dealing with her mother being friend is a dad basically having to be a mom at the same time, and I keep thinking about my mom. My mom is probably a lot greater than I really realize...she just can be very closed off sometimes. I can be like that too. We've talked about how there were a lot of things she never said or did that really affected me growing up. That was when I actually got to a point of forgiving my parents...anyway it makes me think of maybe someday I'll be lucky enough to be a mom. I would love to hold a baby in my arms and rejoice in his or her creation. I want to be able to love them and let them know they are wonderful and loved by God. I want to be able to instill in them the confidence that allows them to be able to face the world and know I am right behind them. But I also want to be able to let them know that...I'm not perfect and I will mess up...hmmmmm. How do you do that?

God is romancing me. He has given me people who love me who point me to Him. He gives me lilac bushes and thunderstorms, mountains, and plains. He gives me the pounding of drums and the soothing sound of a violin. He has given me everything I need to see Him, to love Him, and to enjoy Him.

I'm happy.

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