Tuesday, December 11, 2007

no idea

I have no idea what to get J for Christmas. I honestly never even thought I'd have the chance. . .(which is another issue altogether, why I keep thinking it's going to come to an end any day now) and now I have no idea.

He loves James Bond movies so I bought him two of those he doesn't have. But I don't want that to be all I get him. I'm trying to think of everything I know he likes but I can't come up with anything! There is something I know he'd like but it requires a long drive to get it and I am carless (something from the pottery shop). And something else I know he wants costs too much. I'd get it for him but I don't have the money (an iPod nano). I have no idea what he is getting me or how much he is spending on me.

Time is running out. And I'm stuck. He won't give me any ideas either. I'll keep thinking.

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