Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sick kitty

My kitty, Zoe, is sick.
She hasn't eaten anything since Saturday (I think). She has barely drank anything. She has been throwing up (but since she hasn't eaten, it's just stomach acid) and having bathroom issues (I'll spare you the details). I took her to the vet today and they gave her an anti-nausea and anti-diarrhea shot. I also got an antibiotic and a pill to give her. If she hasn't improved in a few days, then I'll have to take her back probably to get a feline leukemia/FID (like AIDS) test and blood work.
If she still doesn't get better. . .then I may have to say goodbye to Zoe.

I'm praying so hard that she gets better. I've only had her a month and a half! It would be horrible to lose her now....

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