Thursday, February 03, 2005

Being bad is so much fun

There are many times when I have thought this. I must admit that I like doing things that I know aren't 100% beneficial for me. Like going bowling. No the bowling part isn't the bad part, but the reason people started going bowling: $1 beer. Now I can only drink beer after having a couple good drinks before hand. We went last night and I indulged in a couple girly drinks and even a beer and for some reason I choose to indulge in some Camel Exotic Blends cigarettes. You know after about 3 I realized why I don't smoke. But at the same time it was kinda fun. It's amazing how social it all is. I think going to the bowling alley and hanging out with all the guys (including the cute guy from Georgia who actually looks incredibly hot smoking a cigar) gives me a sense of actually belonging. I need that from time to time. Even though I need that social interaction, I'm looking forward to the weekend; I'm going to hang out with a friend of mine and then do homework all weekend and be alone. I have some stuff to catch up on. And our apartment will be quiet this weekend so I can just concentrate (I hope).
Oh and just FYI, I am not going to start smoking or anything. They really are gross and not good for you. Not a habit I want to have. But every 3 or 4 years it fun to curb the slight craving I seem to have every once in awhile.
And being around guys when they're all being very guy-y is interesting. It's been awhile. I haven't really hung out with guys for like 4 years. i think there's still a part of me that is a little scared just because of all the crap I've been through. But oh well.
anyway that's just stuff that I was thinking about. I could think about it deeper and really contemplate why people do things they know aren't necessarily good. I guess it's part of that human nature thing. I know I can't be "good" on my own and my nature gets in the way a lot. And sometimes I just really don't care. Sometimes I don't want to be good. Sometimes being bad is just more fun :)

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I didn't know you had a blog! I am glad I stumbled on it.
I understand the "being bad can be fun" part of what you are saying and although I don't think drinking and having a couple cigarettes is all that bad be careful!! (But that is just Tracie looking out for a friend)