Sunday, January 01, 2006

New Year

I go back to CO on Wednesday. I have mixed feelings about it. I'll be glad to be back to my own place and I'm excited to start my last semester (I am actually graduating, I never thought I'd make it!) but on the other hand tonight after I left my sister's house I just cried and cried. I will miss my family so much. Tonight my parents, brother, grandparents, and sister's family got together for me and my neice and nephew's birthdays; it was great. After we ate, we played a game that the kids got. It's a kids game so they were all excited and just playful and outgoing.They've grown up so much! My neice is so sweet and fun (when she gets wound up, she is wound up big time) and my nephew is this little silly, kooky boy. So much time has passed. I was only 16 when my neice was born, my nephew was born two years later. I was only 12 when my sister and her husband started dating. Doesn't seem possible.
I know the new year is always a time to think back on the previous year and look ahead to the next. I don't know what will happen after I graduate but it looks like it will be better for me to stay in Colorado. I've really gone back and forth about it. I really want to try to have a better outlook on life this year.....I realized how pessimistic I've been lately and I really want to change that.
my brother wants his computer now so I'll write when I get back home.
Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Tracie said...

I'm glad you had a good time with you family, Jodie.