Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl + No party = Not a lot of fun

This is the first year in forever I haven't had or attended a super bowl party. The super bowl isn't quite as fun without it. The commercials aren't as fun either.
oh well

I haven't done any work today. I just can't make myself motivated to do anything. I sat here all day watching a Full House marathon (yes, you didn't read that wrong, I did mean to type that). Full House is fun. But yeah, I just sat and watched it all day. I have a test on Tuesday....and a test on Wednesday. Difficult ones. And I haven't studied. I may have time on Tuesday to study for the one on Wed. but I'm busy all day Monday. . .no time to study for Tuesday's test. I've tried to study off and on all day but it just doesn't work. It also doesn't help that our heat isn't working and so it's freakin cold in my house. The landlord's father bought us some space heaters but so far they aren't doing much. It also doesn't help that we can only plug in one at a time because they'll blow a fuse.

Guess I'll try to do some reading during the game. . don't want to miss the commercials!

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