Sunday, September 10, 2006

New church #1

For the first time since Dave & I broke up I didn't have to work on Sunday morning and so I got to wake up and pick a church to try. Any of you that know me, know that going to new churches is one of my least favorite things ever. Before I left my apartment I almost starting crying. Well I did start crying actually but stopped so I wouldn't mess up my makeup. But after church, however, the tears flowed freely. I tried a United Methodist church. It wasn't horrible...very traditional which I don't totally hate but I'm too much of a singer to want to go to a church that sings like 2 songs and then barely sings them. I like guitars and drums. I want them at church. I like pianos and organs too but I really want the guitars and drums. And not in the "this is the cool thing to do so we're going to try it whether we're good at it or not" or the super "mega-churchy" way.
I got home and was just thinking about how I had just gotten to the point where I liked going to church and I liked the church I went to in CO. I loved the music, the preaching, and taking communion every Sunday. I liked being able to go on Saturday night when the crowd was a little smaller and more informal.
And now here I am starting from scratch in like every aspect of my life including finding a church, once again, on my own.
I liked the idea of having someone to go to church with when I first got here. I liked the idea of having a church home. I was getting to the point where I liked going to Dave's church. I liked the people I met, I liked the preaching and if I sang loud enough I could shut out the music leader's annoying voice. No, going to an assemblies of God church wasn't my first choice necessarily but it wasn't as bad as ones I had been to. There wasn't a "only those who speak in tongues will inherit the earth" mentality. And after hearing how supportive the church had been of Dave and his situation it sounded like somewhere I would want to try. So now it's just frustrating having to find a new place. And I'm in a place that seems to either be super super Bible belt traditional or trying to break into the mega-church business. I already looked to see if there was an evangelical Presbyterian (the kind of church I went to in CO) church here but there's not.

Well I guess I'll find another church to try next Sunday.

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