Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Pat Robertson

On the message board I am a member of, we are constantly, I admit, trashing Pat Robertson. It's a Christian board and most of us can't stand the image good old Pat portrays with his calls for assassinations and stuff like that. So I was thinking, "what is it that makes me so mad about him?" So here is something I posted about it:

Tonight I was flipping through the channels and I saw a picture of the high school teacher from CO who made the remarks about President Bush being like Hitler...so I stopped and it ended up being the 700 Club. Well against my better judgment I watched the segment and it was about the "brainwashing" that goes on in universities because of professors.
He interviewed a guy who wrote a book about the 100 most dangerous academics in America. They gave examples of a few who did sound pretty bad....but it was like a select few.

The whole thing with the high school teacher was just a bunch of crap. The kid who taped the lecture went straight to right-wing media outlets (instead of approaching the teacher or school administration) and no one heard anymore of the lecture except the part the conservative media wanted people to hear. Most people never heard anymore than 20 minutes of a 50 minute lecture.

I went to a Christian college that really challenged the things I believed. The professors there would be considered liberal. Even though it was hard, I would never want to go back to the things I believed when I was 18. I was harsh, judgemental, and close-minded. I see the education that I got as a good thing.

Near the end of the segment Pat Robertson was talking about how parents can't let their children be brainwashed by the left-wing, Liberal, Democrats. Because that's the only brainwashing that can occur! He then talked about his university (I hadn't heard of it before) and I was thinking "that's where the brainwashing is occuring."
People need to be taught to think for themselves and not insist on staying in the dark about things. (one of my biggest annoyances is people who still believe in a literal 6 day creation but that's a whole other story)

Then I realized why I have such a problem with Robertson. He has mixed politics with Christianity and as something my history prof said "it ruins both." Throughout history you can see examples of how the government or kingdom has corrupted the church and how the church has corrupted the government when they are too closely related.
I think America is a good country in that we have a system of government that does not give one person too much power. We have a system that will not allow us to have a dictator (as much as people may dislike a certain president he, and sometimes she, they will not be president for more than 8 years). Ok so maybe 10 because of the whole vice-pres thing. Anyway, and if the president causes too many problems he or she can be impeached.
We also have the freedom to criticize our government. This is good if it is done responsibly. Of course, there are people who take it to violent extremes and that is not good. But we are not a country like Iraq or Cuba or Nazi Germany where criticizing the government would mean death.
However, even though the system of government is essentially good, people are the ones who mess it up. They take advantage of the power they have for the time they have it. Our economic system is better than socialism or communism but people's greed can make it horrible.

So what does this have to do with Pat Robertson? Well, what bothers me is he combines politics with Christianity and not in a good way. I think Christians should be involved in government, we should vote, we should make opinions known. But when it turns to saying that anything that is not "Christian" and every idea that is against the republican party is anti-Christian then that is going too far. I am convinced that the basic principles of Christianity were ruined when it became the norm. When it became too involved in government (and the line is hard to draw) and Christians expected everything to be catered to thier beliefs, the faith was messed up. I wish Robertson would pay more attention to the care of God's people by encouraging them, by ministering to them instead of acting like Prez Bush is a god and anything that is not conservative Republican Christianity is straight from h e l l (take that censors!).
Cause guess what not all christians are republicans and not all republicans are christians.
I'd rather hear a liberal professor talking about Bush being like Hitler rather than some super conservative praising Bush.

I'm sick of prez Bush. I voted for him because I did not think Kerry could handle what was going on and thought Bush needed the chance to get things done. Instead it seems nothing has gotten done. He said at some point he doesn't think that soldiers will be out of Iraq until after 2008! I don't think we can just pull out but we need to get the damn job done. We've put so much money into the war that things in our country are suffering....
ok sorry, that was my political rant. I couldn't help it.

Ok so that is my as well thought out as I could make it reason that I don't like Pat Robertson. I'm sure some things he says or does are ok, but as I lean more and more to the left, he is just annoying the crap out of me.

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