Thursday, March 16, 2006


I'm not sure if I mentioned it but I had a tooth that was bothering me very badly. It was a tooth I had a root canal in. It turned a funky color and there was a bump near my gum. . .so I had a dentist appt scheduled for Friday but by Wednesday morning it was a lot worse. My jaw was all swollen and I was in major pain. I called the office and asked if they could get me in right away and they could. The doctor only had to look at it for a second and was like, "that's gotta come out now." I had to go to another dentist right away to get it removed. For the most part it was ok, I could hande it but there were a few times I wanted to scream and just die right there.
I got a prescription for Vicodin. I took one yesterday afternoon and felt fine. It took the edge off the pain for a bit and I went and studied with a friend. Then last night I took 2 before bed. I felt that crap kick in and even though I was laying down I felt like I was going to fall over. I didn't sleep well either. Then this morning I made the mistake of taking one before class. I figured that one didn't really do much to me yesterday so I should be fine. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I felt like I was just going to pass out. So I went home and went to bed. I still feel kinda yucky. But now my tooth is starting to hurt again (or the gaping hole in my gum, rather). Oh well. I don't want to take anymore of that medicine. Of course, it would just knock me out and I could spend the day in bed. That would be fun. I've already missed school everyday this week except Monday. And one class this morning.
Oh and to top it all off, I'm probably going to end up losing two more teeth and wisdom teeth. Wonderful! I'll have to keep the Vicodin handy.

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