Saturday, March 18, 2006

spring break

well this week is spring break. today i sat around doing nothing and didn't have to feel bad about it! I do have some studying and homework to do this week but mostly I need to work. I need to call the temp agency I worked through last summer to see if there's any chance of getting some work. I can make a whole lot more money than I would just working at the school.

I can already tell I'm bored though. I've already rented and watched two movies. I don't have a lot of money so I can't rent any more.
Maybe I . . .could go to the mountains, or read a book...or study my ass off for my embryo test that I was supposed to take before break but I didn't because of my teeth problem. I have no excuse to not do really well. We'll see.

Ok back to watching Office Space. It's funny.

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