Friday, April 28, 2006

Me from A to Z

Me, A to Z

Accent: hmm well I grew up in Southern Illinois, I'm sure sometimes I get a little bit of a southern twang

Booze: Absolut Mandarin and sprite with an orange slice

Chore I Hate: cleaning of any kind, especially the dishes, except if the sink starts piling up I'll do them (or at least throw them in the dishwasher)

Dog or Cat: I like both

Essential Electronics: I'm pretty attached to my laptop

Favorite Perfume: hmmm toss-up between Prada, Chanel Chance, & Ralph Lauren Romance

Gold or Silver: silver

Hometown: none. . .at the moment I live in a suburb of Denver

Insomnia: no, if anything I sleep too much

Job Title: Student soon to switch to. ..who knows!

Kids: not yet

Living arrangements: small 3-bedroom rental...with a leaky faucet that drives me nuts

Most admirable trait: hmmm. . .I love my friends and would do anything for them

Number of sexual partners: nada (and that's the way its supposed to be right now)

Overnight hospital stays: none

Phobias: i can't think of one off the top of my head

Quote:Forget regret, or life is yours to miss

Religion: Christian

Siblings: one sister & one brother

Time I wake up: depends on when I have class, anywhere between 7 and 8 am...soon it may have to be earlier, eek!

Unusual talent or skill: Nothing unusual i don't think

Vegetable I refuse to eat: brussel sprouts

Worst habit: procastination

X-rays: teeth

Yummy foods I make: Pad Thai, pasta w/ pesto, broccoli, rice, & cheese casserole

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

1 comment:

Tracie said...

That was a fun survey!
I love Ralph Loren's Romance. Have you smelled Turquoise? I don't like it. Jamie does but it makes me want to vomit! :o)