Sunday, April 30, 2006

writer's block

I've been sitting here trying to figure out what I want to write. I want to write something but. . .

Hmm well to start off with I have my last finals week of my undergraduate career this week. And I have pretty much wasted the entire weekend. Seriously I haven't studied at all hardly. I am the living definition of senioritis! Oh well. I'll be done by Wednesday and then my parents & brother will be here on Thursday evening. Then graduation is on Saturday! Woohoo! I'm so excited to be done!

So over the last 5 weeks I've gotten to re-know a dear friend of mine. In a few weeks we're going on a roadtrip...and I'm going to his sister's wedding with him. And then spend the day with him where he lives...I'm really looking forward to it. Getting to know him again (and better than I ever did before) has been wonderful. He is an amazing person and I'm so thankful for our friendship. I never thought I'd see or talk to him ever again. And then one day I found him again. MySpace actually ended up being useful. I'm one of those people who only has a select few close friends. I'm not someone with tons...I have my close ones and that's it. He's quickly being added to that category. Or really he pretty much is already. And I haven't even seen him yet! The one thing I'm looking forward to the most is getting a hug from him. I think we're both a little nervous about it...but more of an excited nervous. We'll both be grinning from ear to ear I'm sure. His kids are going to think we're nuts!
To quote Roman Holiday, "So happy. . ."


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