Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I like me

Yesterday I filled out one of those surveys on myspace and one of the questions was about what body part you don't like. I thought for a bit and couldn't come up with an answer. Many people go straight to their arms or legs or nose or something but nothing came to my mind. And this morning when I was getting ready I looked more closely and said to myself "I do like the way I look."
I mean there are little annoyances. My skin still annoys me at times but it could be worse. I admit I wouldn't mind losing a bit more of my tummy but really as a whole I like the way I look. I'm tall, fairly well-proportioned, I'm not too skinny, not too big. I'm beautiful.

Holy crap. I started writing this at like 10:30 and now it is 12:30 and I have been swamped with people making payments. It's not all bad for the most part but there are always the people that don't pay attention to their bills so they don't know how much they owe or get mad because I tell them I only take payments. Oh well some people just like to be difficult.

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