Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech

This morning at work we had the news on and, of course, the main focus was the massacre at Va. Tech. A lady walked in and said something to the affect of if I have to hear anything more about that I'm going to scream.
I wanted to scream at her "you stupid, selfish woman! Every single one of the those people wish they didn't have to go through what they're going through! And you're complaining because you have to hear about it?"

I was slightly irritated by her comment.

I can't imagine what yesterday was like and what the days to come will be like for the students, faculty, and staff of the university. And what it will be like for the friends and families of the people who were killed. It's this horrible, harsh reality that they will now live everyday for the rest of their lives.

I hate to think about the fact that this is probably not the last time something like this will happen especially since it's happened enough before.

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