Monday, April 30, 2007

Kissing Dating Hello!

For quite some time I got brainwashed into thinking dating was a bad thing. But now, I'm starting to realize that I actually like it. . .now I'm not going to just go out and start dating a bunch of random guys. I'll still just stick to one at a time but I think I'm really starting to enjoy this dating thing.

So Friday night. I had a good time. We went to a Mexican restaurant. It was a lot of fun. I found out some things about him that adds to the list of traits that I want to have in a guy (the whole time I was sitting there I was thinking, what the heck is going on here? He just keeps getting better!). After dinner, I could tell neither of us wanted to call it a night but we hadn't made any other plans so we ended up going to Wal-Mart because he needed to get something for his new apartment. He laughed at me because I hate going to good old wally world and I ended up buying a couple of DVDs and I laughed at him because they didn't have what he needed. After that, we went to Cold Stone for ice cream, then headed to Target where they did have what he needed (and of course I had to laugh at him because they did have what he was looking for). After that, we said goodnight.
Really, the dating thing seems to be a good thing. I like that I'm getting to talk to him on the phone and stuff, see him at Bible study, and see him alone. It's good. I'm sad though; he won't be at Bible study tonight. And I'm thinking I'm going to be really bold and find out if he's doing anything Friday night. Spiderman 3 comes out and I want to go see it! That is one of the cool things about him; he's a movie guy. We talked about all the movies coming out this summer that we want to go see. So we'll see if I'll have a date to them. ;-)

I'm still a little freaked out by it. A little scared, I must admit. And still confused about what to do as far as moving. But I'm trying not to worry about it. I definitely want to move out of my apartment but I have about 2 months to decide if I want to stay here or go somewhere else. If I did end up staying here, I definitely have to find a new job. I'm tired of working two jobs. Plus, I need something with benefits. I'm also thinking of taking some classes to get certified in something medical related so I can get a job at a hospital or clinic. We'll see. Options are wide-open (right now a little too wide open, in my opinion but oh well).

Oh! And I was sad yesterday, I was looking for the Cardinals game and it wasn't on so I went online and saw that one of the pitchers was killed in a car wreck. It's so sad.

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