Monday, October 30, 2006

Post #200

So apparently this is my 200th post. Break out the champagne...(I wish)

I went grocery shopping today and bought good, healthy stuff. Lettuce, broccoli, sprouts, etc. I'm going to eat healthy if it kills me (which is I guess the reason I want to eat healthy so that I avoid the killing part by eating chips and drinking soda). I worked out 3 times last week. I'm going to work up to 4-5 times. This belly of mine has got to go. I think I lost a little bit of weight lately; my jeans seem to be fitting a little loose. Here's to eating right for your blood type (whether it really works or not, it's easy to follow).

It is like 75 degrees outside here. That's way too warm for the end of October. I want to wear sweaters and a coat. It's supposed to be 50 tomorrow but that's still too warm for almost being November.

When I went grocery shopping I also had to buy comfort food, or beverage rather. Double chocolate hot cocoa which I will make with milk (the thought of making it with soy milk is too disgusting) and flavor with a tiny bit of peppermint schnapps. ;-)
I believe I will also eat some popcorn.

Last night I realized that even though I'm sad and wish I wasn't here, I am not as desperate as the other girl who moved out here to be with a guy. All she cares about is finding a husband. I've worked with her the last few nights and I'm just like "oh my gosh you're never going to find someone if you're obsessed about it." Ok I won't say that but I want to.
I mean, yes I'm disappointed and a little more sad than I really want to be but if I have to be single for a long time still (I figured I was going to be anyway) then I know I'll be ok. I'll work for awhile, pay off my bills, go to med school or PA school and be fine. I'll be happy again someday. Someday I will stop thinking of Dave and stop thinking of four little kids who I really wish I could buy birthday and christmas presents for. Someday I'll be fine. Better than fine. I'll be great. I'll be happy again.

Something I forgot to mention about the hot cocoa. . .there's also Redi-Whip. I've never actually bought Redi-Whip before. . .it's not too bad.

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