Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Baseball, Beer, & Quilts

I had a good trip.

I treated myself to a hotel room on Friday night (complete with room service Saturday morning). I hung out with Kyle & Sarah; we went to a restaurant on Laclede's Landing in St. Louis. We ate these wontons filled with duck and sampled a few different kinds of beers that the restaurant brews. A few of them weren't too bad, but it was still beer. We walked around a little bit and went over to the arch. I like the arch.
The baseball game was fun. Mom and I had a good time. I bought a shirt and nachos. OH MY GOSH. I just realized I forgot the souvenir cup that I bought. Bummer. The game wasn't exciting until the 7th inning when Milwaukee got 2 runs. Then everyone was losing hope. The Cardinals kept getting on base but couldn't get any runs. Then in the 8th inning, we got 3! Woohoo! I was glad we won. Then mom and I went to Steak-N-Shake. I miss that place.

After craving mexican food for a few weeks, I finally got some. Mom and I went out to lunch. The restaurant was right next to the bar where Dave and I (and other people too) went after his sister's wedding reception. It's where we danced to Brown-Eyed Girl. It was fun. I smiled about it which made me happy. I don't want to remember things like that and only feel sad.

Oh! The Dairy Queen has frozen hot chocolates! I was so excited. I love them and most dairy queens don't have them anymore.

Then my mom decided that it was time for me to learn how to quilt. I have a quilt top made up of quilt blocks that women in my family made for the annual Pig Roast. I won the quilt but never actually made it. The top was put together so now I'm going to finish it. The blocks are from 1993. It only took 13 years to start. Better late than never. Maybe it won't take 13 years to finish. ;-)

I got my hair done before I left. It's dark. . .like Catherine Zeta-Jones dark. Definitely have the sultry brunette thing goin.

Driving so much alone gives you a lot of time to think. I thought about how over the last few months I have been very quick to want to blame Dave for a lot of stuff. Well, for everything. I made my own mistakes when it came to our relationship. I was being very unfair.

I am going to get more serious about finding a new job and get more serious about figuring out how to trust God with my life. I know it's going to be difficult but I have to. Things never seem to work out too well when I try to do things my own way.

Ok time to get ready for work. Ugh.

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