Wednesday, October 25, 2006


I just got off of work and I'm unwinding. It was a fun night.

There is one Christian band that I will for some reason always love: Jars of Clay. And it took me awhile to like them. I didn't until I saw them at Mississippi Nights in St. Louis, a good five years after their first CD came out. There is something about their music and lyrics that have always just kept me hooked. Today I downloaded their latest album and I love it. And I also downloaded "Redemption Songs" and love that too.
They were supposed to be in Wichita but the concert was canceled I week they're going to be at House of Blues in LAS VEGAS. Man! I wish I could go. That would be so awesome.

And I have a confession. . .there's a Casting Crowns song I love too. It's called Praise You in this Storm. I really like it, I admit. . .Yes that would be me admitting to liking a VERY Christian music industry song. EEK! ;-) (that's what I get for dating a guy who works at a christian radio station) And there are other songs I like...sometimes I even listen to the radio station. double EEK!

Today was a pretty good day. Today it was overcast, a little rainy, and the most "fallish" (thanks to Val for that word) it's been so far. It was great even thought I was stuck inside most of the day. And now it's all foggy and dark and makes me think of campfires and drinking hot cocoa. Speaking of hot cocoa, I bought some french vanilla cocoa which is pretty good. I realized later that what I really want is peppermint cocoa. And if it's peppermint schnapps it's even better!

In my previous post I wrote about how in the book I'm reading it talks about taking up your cross and I thought about it and ended up writing this:

"There is wonder & amazement
There is fear & trembling
There is a light shining in the eyes of your child
There is mystery & wanting
There is hiding, shouting, & silence
There is confusion & understanding
There is standing still & dancing
Right here in the heart of this child."

I got out of the habit of writing after I dropped out of GC and I've always wanted to get back into it. Maybe I will.

Oh and the Cardinals game was rained out. Bummer. St. Louis is up 2 games to 1! WOOHOO!!!!!

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