Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Free day

I woke up and went to work yesterday only to find out that there were too many people here so I said "I'll go home, I really don't mind!" I was SO exhausted. So I treated myself to a me day. It was great.

First before I went home I got cable! Woohoo! Ok so I won't be home much to watch it but at least I'll be able to watch my shows. Or at least tape them and watch them later! I'm going to be paying for it strictly with tips I get at the hotel. I can have the money for it in a week easy just driving people to and from the airport. The last few days I've gotten nice tips from airline people when I drive them to Old Town (area downtown with a bunch of restaurants and hang-outs). Speaking of old town there is a place called Oeno I want to go to. It's a wine bar and it looks really nice. And not a loud, crowded place filled with 21-year-olds getting trashed. Just 30-year-olds getting trashed ;-) No, really, it seems like one of those great places you could go after work or on a Friday night and just have a good time with friends. Like a place you'd find in New York City.

Anyway, after getting cable I went to get my haircut. And I got a deep-conditioning treatment. It was great. I almost feel asleep. Then I treated myself to a movie. I saw Because I Said So. It was cute. I want to see Diane Keaton in one of her older movies. Like Annie Hall or something. Oh the guy in the movie! He's absolutely gorgeous. And I love his character in the movie. Oh and I want Mandy Moore's hair. Right now I just have a shorter, straighter version.

After the movie I went to Panera and had lunch. It was rainy and dreary all day and the perfect day for soup and a sandwich. Then I went home, did some cleaning, yelled at my vacuum cleaner, then went to Bible study. I don't think I got a chance to write about it last week. It's the second week I've been. It's not too bad. We're studying Romans. I ended up having a ton of questions after we got through it. I'm still not quite comfortable voicing my questions. Afterwards I hung out a bit mainly becuase my car was blocked in. But it was nice chatting with everyone. Before we got started everyone was talking about the movies that are up for Best Picture for the Oscars. So now I'm thinking it would be fun to have our own little film festival and watch the Departed (which I really want to see but haven't gotten around to it), Little Miss Sunshine, and a few others. And maybe something like Cars so we can lighten the mood a little. That would be fun.
I must admit I was sitting there for awhile wishing I was somewhere else. Yesterday after church and during Bible study, I just felt so weird. I don't know how to explain it. I felt like I was choking and I couldn't breathe. I feel like I'm constantly on the edge of something but not sure what. I feel like I'm sitting here waiting for my life to start but at the same time I'm thinking "this is my life. It's happening now." I'm not totally sure what to do with it right now.
I think right now I am just praying for some peace. And a little contentment. I don't want to be angry about my situation. I still hope that maybe something good will come out of all this.

Oh and I've decided that I really really really want to go rock-climbing. I haven't been since Living Springs. . .I read an article about it and it made me want to do it again. It's so much fun. And hard. And so rewarding when you make it up to the top!

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