Monday, February 26, 2007


Tithing. . .a touchy subject for some. A lot of people have dismissed the idea as being a scam the church plans to get money out of people.
I've been thinking of it a lot. I sometimes see it as a way to really start putting my trust in God when it comes to my finances (which I think I have come a long way with that, even without tithing). I don't want to think of it as something I HAVE to do or something I am doing to get something out of God. I don't want to be sitting here expecting to get something from it. I feel like God has blessed me already with being able to pay my bills and now with the ability to work the amount of time I need to to make ends meet. And then some. But I have thought about tithing.
Except I don't think tithing means giving money only to a church. I had an idea of what (or who really) I wanted to give money to but the idea got shot down because of the belief that tithing means only giving to a church. I think it's important to give to a church (I have to, I think, considering my dad is a pastor and I've seen what happens when people don't give) but I don't think it's the only way to tithe. I think it's just as important to give to individuals and to other outreach programs as it is the church.
I especially think this because I know there are plenty of people out there without a church. Right now I don't really have a church. I have one I go to but I don't consider it my church. I think I'm more comfortable now with giving some money to it but I don't want to only give to the church.
Oh well I guess I"ll just keep thinking about it and maybe God will let me know what he wants me to do.

1 comment:

jared said...

I had a lot of questions when i started my own study on tithing. i have been studying it for almost every day now for 2 years. obsessed? no. just zealous. but keep digging for answers. they are there. i don't believe in a tithe mandate or a minimum, but i do believe that sacrificial giving is commanded. By the way - sacrificial giving, is not as vague as many people think it is. Not unless Jesus sacrifice was that vague.