Friday, March 16, 2007


So. . .I had a bit of drama tonight. First, I noticed that $20 was missing from my wallet. Then I found out that it had happened to a few other people as well. I was indeed a little irritated about it. I even wrote a note and put it by the timeclock that said (to whoever is doing it because it's apparently an employee) "stop stealing people's money."
Then I got home and checked my wallet again and realized that my old bank card was gone. I got online and sure enough it had been used a couple of times.
I'm not horribly worried about it now because I called the bank, got the card deactivated and everything. .. I even filed a police report. Luckily I caught it soon enough so they didn't do too much damage. I think I'm going to add something to the note tomorrow.
They didn't take my current card probably because my picture is on it. What's scary is just today had put my SS card in my purse because I needed it for work so that was in there too. Plus checks and everything. I figured they went straight for the wallet to go through it real quick because they never knew when someone was going to walk into the office at the hotel and catch them.

Now my purse will never leave my sight and as soon as I find my padlock I'm locking it up!

Crazy people stealing my money. . .ok I gotta go to bed. I'm riled up enough I don't know if I can sleep.

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