Tuesday, March 13, 2007

It's interesting when you keep getting reminded of the kind of person someone is. It makes me feel a little sorry for them. But I guess if that's the way they are ok being, then whatever. At least I don't have to deal with it. I am sad for the person though (like you don't know who I'm talking about).

I kinda hate to do this and it may not be a permanent thing but I have decided that it would be best if I go ahead and limit access to my blog. I've seen a couple of people do this and decided it would be easier than starting a whole new blog (maybe, thoughts on that anyone?). So, I now am going to limit access to people who I invite to read it. In order to do this I guess the easiest way is to leave me a comment with your e-mail address (I won't publish the comments) or if you know my e-mail address, e-mail me. We'll see how that works. I know it may be a pain but quite honestly since Dave hasn't stopped reading this I'm forcing him to. And it is really for no other reason than I just don't like that he can find out whatever he wants about me. He has no right anymore.

So over the next week or so I'll be inviting you as I get e-mail addresses. And then if I figure out that it may be too complicated then I'll just start a new blog.

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